
Join Art Business Ltd’s innovative new Passive Income Fund (PIF) scheme.
You might have heard of Patreon, Substack and corporate Friends’ schemes, but this is something entirely new.

In return for donating money to Art Business Ltd you will get absolutely nothing extra! There will be no pressure to read email newsletters, attend previews of new shows or find a use for an unwanted piece of merchandise. The CEO will feel no responsibility to give you special treatment, perks or favours. 

By donating just £1 a month to the Passive Income Fund, you can give Art Business Ltd £12 (minus card fees) every year! 

This extra cash will be used to fund the CEO’s lifestyle which includes: doing 95% of all their work completely unpaid! taking a day off every month due to period pain! paying people to help them organise things! paying bills! having time off!

Perhaps you’ve enjoyed yourself on this website for free? Maybe you’ve attended an Art Business Ltd (or subsiduary company*) event for free or very little money? Do you love our social media content? Or are you just a filthy rich culture vulture looking to support the little guy? Whatever your motivations are it’s time to spend spend spend and get absolutely nothing extra in return. 

Don’t hold back - join the Passive Income Fund scheme today! 

*subsiduary companies include: Rachael Clerke, Shared Ownership Business, Subscription Business, Transactionland etc